Monday, November 16, 2009

Pipkin has a question...

One ay at work (while I was waiting tables) some people came in with a book to thank my boss. Inside there was a picture of the kids he helped out (I think he sponsored a program) and it said Thanks a Million. The book was How Big is a Million? Oh my word, this book is so cute! It is about a penguin named Pipkin's quest to find a million. Pipkin is a very lovable character and the book is well written with a simple story and a childlike quest. . I was hoping that there were more books about him...
How Big Is A Million? (Picture Books)
The the other day I went to the toy store in town to search for a birthday present for a friend. In the process I discovered How High is the Sky? I was elated. I will admit that I enjoy the first book better, but both are great books that help answer some of those timeless children's questions. I highly recommend them.
How High is the Sky?
These books are both written by Anna Milbourne and Illustrated by Serena Riglietti
Each book has a large poster in the back which helps answer the question. These are a great way to extend the story beyond the confines of a usual book page.

How did they illustrate a million ?

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