Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bookin it in 2010

Bookin' it in 2010-
My goal: A book a month for a year

I plan to read a lot of books in 2010. According to my resolution I need to reada at least 12.
I made it a goal at the end of last year to read 100 pages a week. I would still like to aim for that but life seems to be getting even more in the way, so I'm deciding to not get down on myself when that doesn't happen.

I have been trying to read 2 books, but that has been unsuccessful, so one is on hold until the first is done.

I am currently reading:
The Time Traveler's Wife

so here is my current reading queue
Still Life with Woodpecker
The Tenth Circle
Radical Reformission
Second Glance
The Poisonwood Bible
So Brave, Young, and Handsome

Here is the rest of the list in no particular order.
Lovely Bones
The Notebook
The Help
Kite Runner
Three Cups of Tea
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Velvet Elvis
Irresistable Revolution
Ragamuffin Gospel
Traveling Mercies
Un Christian
Wild at Heart

I also plan to re-read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows before the movie comes out, and I plan to read Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend with my Husband.

For more suggestions or to join "bookin' it in 2010" check out life as mom.

Also, I would love to hear your suggestions for other books to add to the queue. Just leave a comment with your favorites.

I will keep you updated with book reviews as I read through these.


AWT said...

Don't re-read Harry Potter before the movie - read it after. I read it first once and it totally ruined the movie for me - all I saw was all the cool stuff they left out of the movie....

AWT said...

Oh, and I'd say read Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food. And Jean Liefloff's The Continuum Concept