Monday, July 19, 2010

8 Month Update

I wrote this update a while back, but I haven't had a chance to go through pictures until now. So I'll just go post the pictures and then add in my previously written update. Sorry to keep you all waiting.

You can expect some bulk blogging over the next few days and a lot of catch up. Which means, a lot of pictures. (Christina, I hope these all make you smile and give you something to fill your days until I can send you another package.)

Unfortunately I deleted my notes from Haley's 9th month so I'll have to go from memory and pictures on that post, but here is month 8, and the rest aren't far behind.

8 Months
Height: 29 1/4 in.
Weight: about 19 lbs.

Independent standing practice: Learning to pull up all by herself. She takes each fall as a challenge.

Playing with Grandpa: She did a great job walking, even if her pants were way to big. She loved being pulled around in the laundry basket. Go speed racer!

The original standing practice: I would stand her up on the edge of the futon and set up pillows for her to crash onto. She got pretty good a standing without me backing her up. She had fun rolling around each time she fell.

Playing at the home: Haley adapted quickly to life with 9 big brothers. They play outside a lot. They put has on her and cover her with pillows, basically anything to give her attention. Plus she has a new landscape to explore. What more could a baby want.
side note- when I say "the home" I am referring to the Children's home that Zach and I work at now. Every other week we move our little family of 3 to the home and become a family of up to 12. (It varies some due to turnover of the guys)

Playing at home. She loves pulling out all of the DVDs. Zach built a table that is the perfect height for her to stand up by and use for toys. She also still enjoyed her jumpy chair, even though she was getting a bit to big for it. She got pretty good at standing on the edge of the couch.

Playing with Daddy: Hanging upside down, Snuggling in bed, looking at lights and giving "Haley kisses", which are basically slobbery, open mouthed, head butts...

piggyback rides and flying. Haley thinks her Daddy is the best!

Food: Haley had her first ice cream from the blue cone, she's hooked. She spent several meals sitting in our laps while she ate since we didn't have a seat for her at the home. It made meal time a bit tricky, and made us very happy to have puffs that she could feed herself.

Haley and friends: Haley met her frisbee buddy Krew for the first time, looked at pictures with Ryann and Erin, bounced with Eleanore, snuggled with uncle Josh, and got a new doll, which she loves, from Nana. (that's my grandma)

Playing outside: Haley sat by her first campfire. She also started learning to roll a ball with mommy and daddy at the park. She rode in her jogging stroller for the first time.

Entertainment: Haley discovered the holes in her nose. She learned to push down the characters on Jo's pop up toy. She loves to play with laptops. She didn't really know what to think of her adirondack chair, but I think she liked relaxing in it. I think this baby shower gift may need a few more month in the attic before Haley's ready for it.

First Easter: Haley enjoyed her first Easter Egg hunt, but she didn't really know what to think of the chick she met at the hardware store.

New Job: Our first day at the home, HAley enjoyed the unpacking. A quick snapshot from a devotion with our guys at the lake where Zach and I got married, this was taken quickly after we got kicked out by the owners... oops!

Exploring: Haley is working on her low crawl. She is pulling herself up to standing in her crib, which is one of the sweetest things to walk in on in the morning or after nap time. She rode in a grocery cart for the first time.

Laughing with Dad Dad (Zach's grandpa) at our pre-easter visit. He kept tickling her belly and she loved it. She also is all smiles during bathtime.
She had a moment where I realized that even if Haley's getting big, she's still a baby. Her, just turned 2 years old, friend and her got matching cabbage patch dolls from my mom. Her friend immediately fed the doll it's bottle, Haley immediately dropped, well threw down, her doll and started trying to drink from it's bottle.

It's becoming much harder to keep track of Haley's developments each month because she is growing so fast, and working on perfecting the skills she began to develop in months past instead of always doing clearly new things.

But here is what I have to offer in terms of an update:

Haley loves to play with little pop up toys, and she has learned to close the lids on the characters. She also loves to stand at my feet as I read her stories. She is way to squirmy at this point to keep her in my lap past page 2.

Haley does not like to have her face wiped off when she's done eating. She would rather have snot dripping down her face than have me take it away with an aspirator or a rag.

She is very curious. She is constantly grabbing our food and exploring anything she can get her hands on. One of her favorite things to get into is the DVDs on our TV stand.

For play time Haley loves bouncing and singing the "this is how a lady rides" song. She enjoys rolling balls and playing in the exersaucer we borrowed from a friend

When Haley's not off playing and exploring she is usually snuggling. Her sweet little hugs melt my heart every time. When we're out and about she works it, batting her eyes at everyone she meets and then when they return the smile she gets bashful and snuggles up close. She gets an "awww" every time. She also "flirts" with the boys at her new half time home.

Haley is still sleeping on a college schedule most of the time. She's a late to bed late to rise kind of gal. Also with teething etc. she still refuses to sleep through the night... Well I hope it's just teething, or a growth spurt that's keeping her up.

Some new things for Haley this month have been riding in the front of a shopping cart and eating cheerios and puffs. The cheerios did not go over so well (she got a bad rash), but the puffs are a new favorite. She has also grown in her second tooth.

Developmentally Haley is getting stronger and more capable every day. Her low crawl has gotten quite quick. She usually pulls herself where she wants to go with one hand and one arm. And, between rolling and crawling, she gets wherever she wants to go. She has become much more proficient at standing. She can stand herself up from her stomach and pull herself up when she's sitting. We've even let her try to stand alone a few times, but she never lasts long. Her wabbley little legs are getting stronger. She's also learning to sit herself down onto her bottom. She loves to hold our hands and walk. It's great becasue there is a long hallway at the home for her to practice going up and down.

She has mastered the art of the pincer grasp. It's sweet because she doesn't always remember that the food she has grabbed is in her hands. I love watching her grab things with her thumb and pointer finger as she develops hand eye coordination.

She is great at making razzing sounds, or just puttering her lips with little puffs of air. She is starting to work on the whole waving thing, although I think the times she's done it have been unintentional, but I guess a momma still gets to be proud. She still loves to shake her head, which means no, yes or, I'm really excited. But she's also added a sideways head tilt to her repetoire of adorable movements.

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