Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Birthday- Take 1

While we were at the beach we celebrated Haley's birthday for the first time. The first of 4 celebrations.
Why 4 celebrations? The first was with Zachs family; since we saw them at the beach 3 days before Haley's birthday we figured we would celebrate there instead of people traveling to the mountians for her actual brthday. The second celebration was her birthday party, where her friends came as well as my mom. Part 3 was on her actual birthday. We were at work but some of our kids were gone so we had ice cream and saved the cake for celebration number 4, which occured after the rest of the boys got home.
Our beach celebration was small, just some cake and opening presents. Haley had a mini-cake to destroy. A chocolate cupcake covered in berries. I think she likes this birthday business.


bethan said...

wow, she really enjoyed that chocolate. good job baby!

Sarah said...

There are pictures of Jeremiah with the same face... love it!

Lindsay said...

Oh man - look at that messy face!! :-) I bet she LOVED all the birthday fun!