Friday, June 11, 2010

"Spit Happens Ooh Rah"

Meme came to visit. She brought Haley a ear, a onesie and 2 bibs. All Marine style, to celebrate Aunt Christina, who's on her second tour in Afghanistan. Haley loves her new bear. And looks very cute in all her new clothes.

Haley got to try brownie batter for the first time (we got her a scoop before adding the eggs) I think she's hooked!

Thanks Meme! and Aunt Christina, we hope to see you soon (as in Skype us ASAP)! Love you both!


Kara @ Just1Step said...

So cute. :) Haha you misspelled "bear" in the first sentence and typed "ear" instead, and I was like, she brought an ear??? WHAT????

Unknown said...

Aren't Grandmas the absolute best? : ) Awesome pictures of a great visit! So thankful for Aunt Christina who is fighting for our country. What a blessing.