Monday, May 24, 2010

illusive decor

This weekend we went to my college roommate Anna's wedding. And we stayed with some friends in Huntsville. Dustin has been a great friend to be and I am so glad to have become friends with his lovely wife Caroline. -well done Dustin :) While we were there Julip kindly let Haley stay in her crib. These two are gonna be great buddies one day. They are exactly 6 months apart and have a promising future of summers at camp together.
More to come from the wedding and the weekend soon.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fancy Nancy

My camera is no currently functioning, or at least not downloading. I don't know what happened to it but I'm going to be really upset if I can't get the pictures from it.
Other than that life has just been busy. Sorry to keep you all waiting.
Here are Haley and her friends getting ready for a "Fancy Nancy" birthday party at play group.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Road Trip III: St. Louis

St. Louis and the light of my life!

Lynda Finally Meets the Bean. Haley was pretty happy about it. Lynda didn't mid so much either...

Haley worked on her standing and pulling up skills when she was supposed to be napping, very sneaky Haley

Next she practiced on Lynda's futon

Then we took to the streets of St. Louis. I was a bit sad that we didn't get to play in the giant outdoor chess game, but oh well, next time I go to St. Louis it can be a top priority.


Haley was pretty exhausted after a very full trip. We got up at 4 in the morning to go home. Zach drove the whole way. Have I mentioned lately that my husband is wonderful (and that he drive a bit faster than me.)
Thanks Haley for being so patient with your crazy momma who took you on a 3 night trip through 5 states.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

To all of the beautiful mothers, grandmothers, and great-grand mothers in mine and Haley's lives. We love you!


Haley reminds me of Lucky from 101 dalmatians.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Look whose conquered the stairs

On Sunday Haley gave us a great reason to celebrate...

Showing off her cute new dress. Thank you Aunt Emily :)

My little stair master

A little encouragement from a friend

and a helping hand for extra support, just in case...

She kept coming back for more

What a pro!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Road Trip II: Emily's House

When we left Bethan's we headed over to the O'dell's house for dinner. Emily cooked some great burgers and we all had fun watching the babies, chatting and taking loads of pictures.

Haley and Ruffy had a show down over the squid toy. They each won a few rounds.

Haley had fun sneaking up on her new friend Eero...
(I just love his little burp cloth)
Then Haley got to play with her Daddy in Emily's huge yard

She loves to fly

Elijah's blue eyes are gonna break hearts.

Zach broke the plant while moving a chair. It looks like a Magritte style painting.

Bethan and little E. What a beautiful mama.

And an adorable baby!

I love E's belly.

Haley was showing off the sippy cup she stole from E.

More belly! What a sweet little show off :)

Whitney lOVES babies! (you know, when they are happily sleeping)

I mean, what's not to love?

Fighting over Em's affection

Learning to play the piano. One of her new favorite pass times.

Whitney and the plumber baby.

little E in his PJs.

Haley checking out her Whitney- Whitney checking out her Haley.

Haley got a little distracted. But who wouldn't want to crawl around on the O'dells beautiful tile floor?

up next... St. Louis

Road Trip I: Memphis & The Zoo

Zach and I loaded up the car on Wednesday morning after a week of work and headed out on a road trip to Memphis and St. Louis. 1,430 mile, and about 24 hours of driving in 4 days and 3 nights. It was a quick trip, but I'm so glad that we went. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who did the majority of the driving to make the trip possible, and thankful for my sweet little bean who endured 4 days of an irregular schedule and several hours in a car seat.

Luckily Haley she did get a few chances to stretch her legs...

Look out drivers, Haley's behind the wheel.

Cute Spanish Shoes. Apparently American babies have chubby feet. But I love these shoes so now they're hanging in Haley's room as added decoration.

Kirstin love her Haley. I wish I had gotten a better shot of them together. It was great getting to finally visit her and I really appreciated the last minute place to stay for the night (our plans kept changing and we got to Memphis a night earlier than expected) I loved having a night of girl talk and hearing all of Kirsti's wonderful dreams for the future.

Haley loved sliding around on the hard wood floors.

The next day we drove about half a mile to meet Bethan and her boys at the zoo. Haley got to join her buddy Elijah in the double BOB.

They were pretty cute together with all of their sun protection on. I love Elijah's expression.

A lot of the animals were being quite dull, but the bears decided to give us a real show. These 2 were playing in the water just a pane of glass away.

big E enjoyed the show. (Haley just likes trying to stand up by the glass, and little E was fast asleep)

This guy was very statuesque. He knows how to make the most of a sunny spring day.

These two were battling over each others sippy cups. I think Haley may have won, I guess it's harder to get onto an 8 month old.

Haley didn't seem as interested in the animals as she was in the zoo's decorations

Here she is trying to be as tall as the giraffe's. And getting sleepy. Luckily E was also ready for a nap. (it's nice to have other friends with babies who understand the need to go home for nap time, and who understand the things parents do that may seem a bit unconventional to an outsider)

After naps Haley got to play in Elijah's swing. And little E joined the party. Haley liked checking out her new friend.

Eero was doing his best ape impression. (and let me tell you, the ape we saw was awesome, he was like a goofy old man)

Loving the swing!

I was excited that Whitney came to join us too. I ended up having a little college room mate reunion, because next we went to Emily's (hey, 3 out of 4 ain't bad, and I get to see the 4th in 3 weeks at her Wedding, so exciting)
I was wonderful staying at Bethan's house. She is an incredible hostess who fed us well and was incredibly generous and considerate. I hope I can learn to be a super mom like her. And I was so glad to finally get to meet her boys; I just adore them! Thanks B.

to be continued...